Thursday, March 13, 2008

MLA Citation and Evaluation

Romanowski, Michael H. "Common Arguments about the Strengths and Limitations of
Home Schooling." Clearing House 75.2 (Nov. 2001): 79. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO Library name], [City], [State abbreviation]. 7 Mar. 2008

I have selected an article issued in the Clearing House Education 75 from November 2001. This article, written by Michael H. Romanowski, Associate Professor of Education at the Ohio Northern University describes very detailed the negative and positive aspects of home schooling “put forth by advocates and critics of home schooling regarding the perceived strengths and limitations of this unique form of education”. (Romanowski 2001)
The author, Michael H. Romanowski, is a very knowledgeable person in the field of education of adolescents and young adults since he has not only taught a variety of different students from different social and ethnic backgrounds but has also published several articles about numerous issues and topics in this field. Although the article I have chosen is from the year of 2001, the content still has a considerable purpose for the topic of my short argument paper about home schooling in the context of higher education. The explicit purpose of this source is to demonstrate the argument of home schooling by itself and to point out possible advantages and challenges home-schooled students may have to face. Personally, Romanowski’s article added information in support of my counterarguments against home schooling as an educational foundation of proficiency in higher education. For instance, he made some very useful claims about the socialization issue of home-schooled students.
Particularly with regard to further research, I should find out more about Michael H. Romanowski and his publications since he has a lot to say about educational matters and movements in our society.

1 comment:

Lafonda said...

This source seems as it has been very reliable for your paper. As the author is a teacher and directly involved in the subject in which you are talking about makes his point of view very valuable because of his experience.